“There is a place within us all that contains the essence of the life we desire to live.
Sometimes you touch it, graze it, or move past it.
But what if you dwelled in that space?
What if you lived in the space of your heart’s desires?
What if your life took on the spirit of your heart’s grace?
What if your future self became your present self?
Imagine what that would feel like.
It would be the sound of heaven touching earth...”
Enter the space of your heart's desires...
Intuitive Counseling
You have a dream. A life in which you wake up inspired. A life in which your dreams inhabit your reality. A love-filled life. An abundant life. A happy life. We all have patterns and stories that support our vision and those that challenge them. Intuitive Counseling sessions go to the root of these challenges and helps you to see them in a new light and to actually shift things. These sessions are psychically guided to provide you with spot-on clarity, highly-specific practical guidance, and empowering support in service of your thriving!
sacred space design:
sacred business
When you are inspired, nourished, and given room to create in your work environment you rise to new heights of creativity, productivity and abundance. Whether you own your own business, work in an office, or want to create designated space in your home to work, Sacred Business Design can assist you to bring empowering and transformative beauty to your vocation.
Sacred Space Design:
sacred home
Sacred Home Design creates a state of grace between the interior world within you and the external environment that you live in. Sessions combine a potent alchemy of Elana’s psychic gifts as an Intuitive Counselor, Feng Shui techniques and an interior design sensibility. Sessions are available in person and virtually worldwide. Sacred Home Design helps you to create a beautiful, functional and soulful home that honors your past, nourishes your present and is a catalyst for your future! Change your home, change your life…
sacred space design:
space clearing & Blessing
Where you put your energy grows... Getting clarity about where you desire to put your energy is vital for manifesting what you desire. Where we live and work contain the energy of both our past and present as well as holding space for our future. As we get clearer about what we want to experience, we can clear out our space to make room for our dreams.